Continue to Investigate the Edler Dragons After Valhaskick

This is a complete guide on how the Guiding Lands work within Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, which is essentially the end game. The Guiding Lands contains exclusive monsters and materials that are needed to upgrade high-level weapons and to add augmentations.

**This page contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne as well as its endgame content. Read at your own risk**


The Guiding Lands is a new area introduced after the end credits of Iceborne's main campaign. You'll gain access to it after beating the final boss, an elder dragon known as Shara Ishvalda.

Jump to a Guiding Lands Section
How to Unlock the Guiding Lands How the Guiding Lands Work How to Increase Region Levels
How to Tell Which Monsters Increase Which Region Level Region Level Cap Master Rank Requirements How to Find New Monsters in the Guiding Lands
Resource Information How to Analyze Special Tracks / Lure Out Monsters Guiding Lands Regional Monster List
Jump to a Section For That Region's Monster List by Level
Forest Region Wildspire Region Coral Region
Rotted Region

How to Unlock the Guiding Lands

To put it simply, beat Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's main story. After credits role, speak to the Field Team Leader in Seliana, and you'll depart toward the Elder's Recess to look for Ruiner Nergigante. However, this is simply a ruse, and instead you'll be treated to a cutscene before landing in the Guiding Lands, which appears to have multiple biomes in one place.

First Exploration

You and your handler land, and get a gander at what looks like the Ancient Forest. Pick up the "Signs of a Turf War" in front of you, then continue following your Handler on a small tour of the Guiding Lands.


After making camp, the Handler states that the tracks you found (Signs of a Turf War) have an odd secretion unique to this new region. Head down to Area 2 to trigger a cutscene. You stumble into an area that looks like the Wildspire Waste as Rathalos, Diablos, and a new monster to Iceborne, Zinogre, battle it out.

From now on, you can choose to go to the Guiding Lands on an expedition from the Quest Board or the world map.

How the Guiding Lands Work

The Guiding Lands are what constitutes the main crux of Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's endgame. They consist of a new map that features biomes that equate to four of the previous larger biomes you've been to, each transitioning from one into another. The four included biomes here are the Forest Region taking after the Ancient Forest, the Coral Region representing the Coral Highlands, the Rotted Region as the ambassador for the Rotten Vale, and the Wildspire Region as the companion to the Wildspire Waste.

Each Region in the Guiding Lands has a Level associated with it, which will unlock new monsters and tempered monsters as the level rises.


How to Increase Region Levels

As you research large monsters in the regions, your region level incrementally increases. Region Levels affect the species of monsters that will appear in the Guiding Lands, as illustrated by the Regional Monster Charts below. Anything that awards Research Points will also incrementally increase a Region's level, such as:

  1. Pick up monster tracks in that region
  2. Break monster parts in the region
  3. Break monster parts of a monster native to that region
  4. Capture or slay monsters in the region
  5. Capture or slay monsters native to that region
  6. Trapping a monster Know that increasing one Region's level will decrease the others.

As you get to higher region levels within the Guiding Lands, it becomes very difficult to keep all levels up simultaneously, as hunting a monster within one region will decrease another, especially if that monster is exclusive to a single region. We recommend trying to level up one or two regions and letting the others fall. Then you can switch when you're ready to.

For example

, Anjanath can be lured to both the Forest and Wildspire Regions. If it's lured to the Forest Region, but you mostly fight it and then slay it in the Wildspire Region, the Wildspire Region will be affected more than the Forest Region, though both will increase. The other regions that Anjanath is not native to will decrease incrementally.

To check you Guiding Land's Region Levels, go to Hunter's Notes >> The Guiding Lands. You will also see the level of the region while on a Guiding Lands expedition in the top right of the screen.

How to Tell Which Monsters Increase Which Region Level


To tell which Region a monster is endemic to, and in turn, which region it will provide experience to, go to the following from anywhere:

Options > Info > Check Special Tracks

You can only see this once you've analyzed tracks for that monster. You can also reference the Guiding Lands Regional Monster List below.

Region Level Cap Master Rank Requirements

At first, your Guiding Lands Region Levels will be capped at 4. The Region Level Cap will rise as your Master Rank increases. You must complete new Assigned Quests to continue increasing your Master Rank Level.

  • MR Any - Up to Region Level 4
  • MR 49: Sleep Now in the Fire - Up to Region Level 5
  • MR 69: Big Burly Bash - Up to Region Level 6
  • MR 99: To the Very Ends With You - Up to Regional Level 7

How to Find New Monsters in the Guiding Lands


Zinogre isn't the only new monster found within the Guiding Lands. Leveling up the different regions can trigger quests to appear within the guiding lands to hunt different monsters. Here is the list of monsters you can find in the Guiding Lands and how to unlock them.

  • Zinogre - Zinogre will appear after completing the first set of Fanged Wyvern special tracks analysis. See How to Unlock Zinogre in Monster Hunter World: Iceborne for more information.
  • Yian Garuga - Increase the Forest Region level to 3. Unlocks the Assigned Quest Return of the Crazy One.
  • Scarred Yian Garuga - Increase the Forest Region to Level 6. This requires Master Rank 69.
  • Brute Tigrex - Increase Rotted Region to Level 6. This requires Master Rank 69.
  • Gold Rathian - Increase Wildspire Region to Level 6. This requires you to reach Master Rank 69.
  • Silver Rathalos - Increase Coral Region to Level 6. This requires you to reach Master Rank 69.

Resource Information - Bonepiles, Mining Outcrops

Each Region in the Guiding Lands has Bonepiles and Mining Outcrops that give special materials that can't be obtained anywhere else. There are two different progress bars for Resource Levels of each Region, one for Bonepiles, and one for Mining Outcrops. You can find this by tabbing over to Resource Information from Region Levels within your Map.

You'll increase the progress of these bars each time you gather from a Bonepile or Mining Outcop. The higher the bar, the more variety of items you'll be able to get from gathering points.

When the bar is leveled up all the way, a single special gathering point will spawn that can be mined once ever. An exclamation point will appear next to the progress bar when this occurs. This gathering point guarantees the rare, unique item from that region. Then, the bar needs to be leveled back up again for another point to spawn again.


Rotten: Guiding Effluvial Crystal Forest: Wilsdpire: Coral:

How to Analyze Special Tracks to Lure Out Monsters

As you hunt monsters, break monster parts, and pick up Signs of a Turf War in the Guiding Lands, you may get a progress bar on the side of your main screen. It will say a type of monster such as "Fanged Wyvern" and then have a few dots ending in a footprint.

These are special tracks left by monsters within the Guiding Lands, and are how you come to be able to lure out specific monsters at your leisure. Each dot represents a stage of progress. The monster you can lure out once the analysis is complete will fall under the category of the track.

The length of the bar often will indicate how rare of a monster it is. A Great Jagras may only have 2 dots while an Elder Dragon may have 8. Here's how to progress the analysis level:

  • 1. Break Monsters Parts
    Find a monster in the Guiding Lands, and break a part. This is the only way to guarantee your current analysis progress level will go up. Also, this only works once per individual monster, so it may be most efficient to go from monster to monster breaking parts. Lastly, try to go after a monster that shares the category of your current track being analyzed for a bonus. For example, breaking a part from Rathalos, a Flying Wyvern, will increase a Flying Wyvern special track progress bar by two instead of one. If you break a part from the monster whose track you're analyzing, it will be completed instantly!
  • 2. Collect Signs of a Turf War
    There are some special tracks marked as "Signs of a Turf War." Collecting these guarantees at least one track is received, either an entirely new one or progress on a current one, depending on what type of monster left it behind. These Turf War signs will pop up in the same spots, so be on the look out for larger-than-usual piles of remains or goo on walls.
  • 3. Kill or Capture Monsters
    Killing or capturing a monster in the Guiding Lands only gives you a chance to unlock new special tracks to analyze or increase your current track's levels, but the type of monster doesn't matter.
  • 4. Defeat Tempered Monsters Defeating a Tempered Monster in the Guiding Lands guarantees that either one of your current analysis bars will be completed automatically, or you'll receive a pre-completed analysis track immediately.

You can also collect materials from gathering points and pick up tracks for a chance to progress special track analysis, but we found these instances to be rare.


Once you've fully analyzed a monster's special tracks, talk to your Handler to lure the monster out into the Guiding Lands using pheromones. This is a one time use option! Once it's lured out, you'll have to analyze a new set of tracks to lure out a new monster. However, you can bank as many of these "lures" as you'd like.

You can find all your analyzed monsters so far along with your current analyzation progress under the info tab on the options menu.

Guiding Lands Exclusive Monster Parts

Fighting monsters within the Guiding Lands, you'll notice that materials drop from the monster far more often than in regular zones. You'll also notice you probably haven't seen them before, and every material is the same. When carving a monster, you'll also usually get way more of this material than the standard monster materials. These items are exclusive to the Guiding Lands and are required for high level upgrades to armor and weapons, so make sure to pick up everything.

Guiding Lands Regional Monster List

This section lists all the Regions and the monsters found within them at the different levels.

In General:

  • At Level 4, Tempered Monsters will begin to spawn
  • At Level 5, Elder Dragons will begin to spawn
  • At Level 6, Tempered Monsters and Elder Dragon will primarily spawn
  • At Level 7, Tempered Elder Dragons will spawn


This section is a work in progress as the levels go up to 7, unlocked at Master Rank 99.

Forest Region Monster List

Level Common Monsters Uncommon Monsters Rare Monsters
  • Great Jagras
  • Pukei-Pukei
  • Tobi-Kadachi
  • Anjanath
  • Great Jagras
  • Pukei-Pukei
  • Tobi-Kadachi
  • Anjanath
  • Banbaro
  • Rathian
  • Rathalos
  • Nightshade Paolumu
  • Nargacuga
  • Zinogre
  • Fulgur Anjanath
  • Anjanath
  • Rathalos
  • Nargacuga
  • Zinogre
  • Yian Garuga
  • Fulgur Anjanath
  • Glavenus
  • Nightshade Paolumu
  • Azure Rathalos
  • Rathian
  • Tobi-Kadachi
  • Pukei-Pukei
  • Great Jagras
  • Tigrex
  • Ebony Odogaron
  • Tempered Pukei-Pukei
  • Tempered Tobi-Kadachi
  • Rathalos
  • Azure Rathalos
  • Tempered Banbaro
  • Nargacuga
  • Zinogre
  • Yian Garuga
  • Anjanath
  • Ebony Odogaron
  • Great Jagras
  • Rathian
  • Nightshade Paolumu
  • Glavenus
  • Tigrex
  • Fulgur Anjanath
  • Tempered Anjanath
  • Tempered Rathalos
  • Azure Rathalos
  • Kushala Daora
  • Velkhana
  • Zinogre
  • Yian Garuga
  • Tempered Pukei-Pukei
  • Tempered Tobi-Kadachi
  • Tempered Rathian
  • Tempered Banbaro
  • Tempered Nightshade Paolumu
  • Nargacuga
  • Tempered Fulgur Anjanath
  • Savage Deviljho
  • Great Jagras
  • Glavenus
  • Tigrex
  • Ebony Odogaron
  • Ruiner Nergigante
  • Tempered Azure Rathalos
  • Kushala Daora
  • Tempered Nargacuga
  • Savage Deviljho
  • Tempered Zinogre
  • Tempered Scarred Yian Garuga
  • Tempered Anjanath
  • Tempered Rathalos
  • Tempered Ebony Odogaron
  • Velkhana
  • Great Jagras
  • Tempered Pukei-Pukei
  • Tempered Tobi-Kadachi
  • Tempered Rathian
  • Tempered Banbaro
  • Tempered Nightshade Paolumu
  • Tempered Glavenus
  • Tempered Tigrex
  • Tempered Fulgur Anjanath
  • Ruiner Nergigante

Wildspire Region Monster List

Level Common Monsters Uncommon Monsters Rare Monsters
  • Kulu-Ya-Ku
  • Barroth
  • Pukei-Pukei
  • Rathian
  • Nightshade Paolumu
  • Kulu-Ya-Ku
  • Barroth
  • Rathian
  • Nightshade Paolumu
  • Anjanath
  • Diablos
  • Pink Rathian
  • Glavenus
  • Pukei-Puke
  • Banbaro
  • Fulgur Anjanath
  • Anjanath
  • Rathalos
  • Nargacuga
  • Zinogre
  • Yian Garuga
  • Fulgur Anjanath
  • Glavenus
  • Nightshade Paolumu
  • Azure Rathalos
  • Rathian
  • Tobi-Kadachi
  • Pukei-Pukei
  • Great Jagras
  • Tigrex
  • Ebony Odogaron
  • Banbaro
  • Pukei-Pukei
  • Tempered Barroth
  • Diablos
  • Black Diablos
  • Glavenus
  • Tempered Pukei-Pukei
  • Rathian
  • Nightshade Paolumu
  • Ebony Odogaron
  • Kulu-Ya-Ku
  • Anjanath
  • Pink Rathian
  • Tempered Banbaro
  • Tigrex
  • Fulgur Anjanath
  • Tempered Rathian
  • Tempered Diablos
  • Black Diablos
  • Teostra
  • Lunastra
  • Tempered Nightshade Paolumu
  • Velkhana
  • Tempered Barroth
  • Tempered Anjanath
  • Tempered Pink Rathian
  • Glavenus
  • Tempered Fulgur Anjanath
  • Savage Deviljho
  • Kulu-Ya-Ku
  • Tempered Pukei-Pukei
  • Tempered Banbaro
  • Tigrex
  • Ebony Odogaron
  • Ruiner Nergigante
  • Gold Rathian

Coral Region Monster List

Level Common Monsters Uncommon Monsters Rare Monsters
  • Kulu-Ya-Ku
  • Barroth
  • Pukei-Pukei
  • Rathian
  • Nightshade Paolumu
  • Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
  • Paolumu
  • Pink Rathian
  • Coral Pukei-Pukei
  • Legiana
  • Banbaro
  • Fulgur Anjanath
  • Paolumu
  • Legiana
  • Pink Rathian
  • Coral Pukei-Pukei
  • Nargacuga
  • Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
  • Odogaron
  • Fulgur Anjanath
  • Ebony Odogaron
  • Zinogre
  • Banbaro
  • Silver Rathalos

Rotted Region Monster List


Level Common Monsters Uncommon Monsters Rare Monsters
  • Great Girros
  • Banbaro
  • Radobaan
  • Great Girros
  • Radobaan
  • na
  • Odogaron
  • Banbaro
  • Tigrex
  • Fulgur Anjanath
  • Radobaan
  • Odogaron
  • Tigrex
  • Great Girror
  • Fulgur Anjanath
  • Banbaro
  • Acidic Glavenus
  • Ebony Odogaron
  • Tempered Radobaan
  • Odogaron
  • Tigrex
  • Acidic Glavenus
  • Ebony Odogaron
  • Great Girros
  • Tempered Banbaro
  • Fulgur Anjanath
  • Brute Tigrex

Up Next: How to Unlock Every Monster in the Guiding Lands

In This Wiki Guide

Monster Hunter World

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