Why Did Women Continue to Meet With Weinstein After They Heard Rumors

Many Hollywood stars have started to speak out against sexual harassment in their industry.

Since The New York Times and The New Yorker published bombshell reports last fall detailing decades of alleged sexual harassment and assault by producer Harvey Weinstein, dozens of women have come forward with similar claims against the movie mogul.

Eighty-five women have accused Weinstein of inappropriate to criminal behavior ranging from requests for massages to intimidating sexual advances to rape. Weinstein has denied the allegations.

"Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr.  Weinstein," Weinstein spokeswoman Holly Baird told USA TODAY in a statement.

On Thursday, multiple news outlets reported that Weinstein would turn himself in to the New York Police Department and Manhattan District Attorney's office on Friday.

Here is a complete (and developing) list of his accusers:

1. Amber Anderson, an actress known for The Riot Club, posted to Instagram on Oct. 16 that Weinstein "coerced" her into a private meeting. "He behaved inappropriately and propositioned a 'personal' relationship to further my career whilst bragging about other actresses he had 'helped' in a similar way," she wrote. "He tried to take my hand and put it in his lap which is when I managed to leave the room."

2. Lysette Anthony, an English model and actress of Husbands and Wives, told 'The Sunday Times' on Oct. 15 that Weinstein raped her in her home in the late 1980s.

3. Asia Argento, an Italian actress, model and director, told The New Yorker that in 1997 when she was 21, Weinstein asked for a massage and forcibly performed oral sex on her at a hotel in France.

4. Rosanna Arquette, 58, told The New Yorker she rebuffed an early 1990s advance from Weinstein, saying he asked for a massage while wearing only a bathrobe. She says the producer told her she was making a "big mistake" by rejecting him and claims he has made things "very difficult for (her) for years." Arquette is an actress, director and producer known for her work in Pulp Fiction and The Executioner's Song.

5. Jessica Barth, the 37-year-old actress from the Ted films, told The New Yorker Weinstein invited her to a business meeting at his Beverly Hills hotel room after the 2011 Golden Globes. Barth later recalls he had champagne waiting, and alternated between offering to cast her in a film and demanding a naked massage. She claims that when she moved toward the door to leave, Weinstein lashed out, saying that she needs to lose weight "to compete with Mila Kunis."

6. Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, an Italian model, can be heard being pressured by Weinstein in audiotapes from a New York Police Department sting in 2015. In the tapes, he seemingly admits to groping the model on the previous day. Weinstein reaches a settlement with Gutierrez, according to the Times.

More:Morgan Freeman accused of sexual harassment and inappropriate behavior

Related:Ashley Judd says 'tipping point' on sexual harassment is here

More:Harvey Weinstein accuser: He sexually assaulted me, later sought threesome

7. Kate Beckinsale, 44, posted to Instagram on Oct. 12  accusing Weinstein of offering her alcohol during their first meeting when she was just 17. "I assumed it would be in a conference room which was very common," she wrote. "When I arrived, reception told me to go to his room. He opened the door in his bathrobe." Beckinsale is an English actress who has starred in Much Ado About Nothingand Pearl Harbor.

8. Juls Bindi, a massage therapist, alleged in a 20/20 interview that Weinstein  masturbated in front of her while he groped her chest in 2010. She was 29 years-old at the time and says that Weinstein discussed a possible book deal with her before the incident happened.

9. Zoe Brock, a New Zealand model, told The Guardian and wrote in a 2,700-word post on Medium that Weinstein cornered her in a hotel room during the Cannes Film Festival in 1997, asking her for a massage while he was naked. The model, who was 23 at the time, says she locked herself in a bathroom to escape.

10. Cynthia Burr, now 62, told the New York Times in an interview published Oct. 30 that as a young actress in New York, she met Weinstein in a hotel lobby and he unzipped his fly and forced her to perform oral sex on him in a hallway. "It was just him and me alone," she said. "I was fearful I didn't have the wherewithal to get away."

11. Liza Campbell, a Scottish artist and writer, told The Sunday Times that Weinstein invited her to take a bath with him after meeting with him in his hotel room in 1995.

12. Marisa Coughlan, a 43-year-old actress who starred in Super Troopers, told The Hollywood Reporteron Oct. 18 that Weinstein asked her to meet at a hotel in 1999 to discuss a film role, alleging that, once she was there, he requested a massage from her.

13. Hope Exiner d'Amore worked for Weinstein's concert promotion company, Harvey and Corky Productions, in the late '70s, she told the Times. On a business trip to New York City, she says Weinstein claimed there was a mistake at the hotel and only one room was available. In the middle of the night, Exiner d'Amore, now 62, says Weinstein forcibly performed oral sex and intercourse on her.

14. Florence Darel, a 49-year-old French actress, told People on Oct. 12 that Weinstein pursued her in the mid '90s and then propositioned her in a hotel room while his wife at the time, Eve Chilton, was in the room next door. Darcel starred in The Stolen Children and Uranus.

15. Emma de Caunes, a French actress, told The New Yorker that Weinstein invited her to his hotel room in Cannes in 2010. While she takes a call from a friend, he goes into his bathroom, where she hears the shower being turned on. She later says that he came out with an erection and demanded she lie on the bed. "It was like a hunter with a wild animal," she said. "The fear turns him on." De Caunes starred in The Science of Sleepand Mr. Bean's Holiday.

16. Juliana De Paula, a former model, told the Los Angeles Times that Weinstein groped her and forced her to kiss other models in New York a decade ago. She added that when she tried to leave, he chased her around naked, and she had to fight him off with broken glass.

17. Cara Delevingne, the 25-year-old English actress and model shared in an Instagram post on Oct. 11 and in a statement to New York Magazineand Huffington Post that the movie producer attempted to kiss her in a hotel room.  "As soon as we were alone he began to brag about all the actresses he had slept with and how he had made their careers and spoke about other inappropriate things of a sexual nature," she wrote. Delevingne stars in Valerianand Tulip Fever.

More:Cara Delevingne, Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow say Weinstein harassed them, too

18. Sophie Dix, an English actress known for her role in The Advocate, told The Guardian on Oct. 13 that she was sexually assaulted by Weinstein in the Savoy hotel in London in the '90s.

19. Lacey Dorn, a recently-graduated documentary filmmaker, told the Times she ran into Weinstein at a Halloween party at the Gramercy Park Hotel in 2011, where he grabbed between her legs, touching her buttocks and crotch through her clothes.

20. Dawn Dunning, a waitress and aspiring actress, told the Times that in 2003 Weinstein lured her to his hotel, where he waited in a bathrobe in front of what he said were contracts for his next three films -- but she could only sign them on a condition: She would have to have three-way sex with him. Dunning laughed, assuming he was joking. Weinstein grew angry, she recalls. "You'll never make it in this business," she said he told her. "This is how the business works." Dunning fled.

21. Lisa Esco, the 32-year-old S.W.A.T. actress and director, told the Washington Post and later People that Weinstein propositioned her with a kiss, and when she brushed him off, he threatened her career.

22. Alice Evans, a British actress, wrote in The Telegraph on Oct. 14 that Weinstein tried to touch and kiss her during the 2002 Cannes Film Festival. In the essay, she also claims that her rejection of Weinstein negatively impacted her and her husband's careers. Evans starred in The Christmas Cardand The Vampire Diaries.

23. Lucia Evans (formally Lucia Stoller), told The New Yorker that she was approached by Weinstein at a New York club and invited to a meeting in 2004. Upon arrival, she was escorted to an office, where he both flattered her and recommended she lose weight to be on his reality show, Project Runway. "After that is when he assaulted me," Evans told the newspaper. "He forced me to perform oral sex on him. I said, over and over, 'I don't want to do this, stop, don't.' " In the end, she said, "He's a big guy. He overpowered me."

24. Angie Everhart, an actress (Take Me Home Tonight) and former model came forward on the KLOS morning show alleging Weinstein masturbated in front of her while on a boat during the Venice Film Festival. The former model and actress claims Weinstein told her, "You're a really nice girl, you shouldn't tell anybody about this."

25. Claire Forlani, an English actress (Meet Joe Blackand Boys and Girls), took to Twitter on Oct. 12 to claim she dodged five different advances from Weinstein over the years.

26. Romola Garai, an English actress, told The Guardian that in 2004 during the audition process for Havana Nights, she was told to arrive at Weinstein's hotel room, alone. "He answered the door in his bathrobe," she said. "I was only 18. I felt violated by it, it has stayed very clearly in my memory."

27. Louisette Geiss, a former actress and screenwriter, said at a press conference on Oct. 10 that at the Sundance Film Festival in 2008, Weinstein invited her to his room to discuss her script, but after about 30 minutes, he returned from the bathroom in nothing but a robe with the front open. Weinstein proceeded to get in the bathtub and "just kept asking me to watch him masturbate," she said. Geiss says she moved to leave his hotel room, and Weinstein trailed her to the door, promising to introduce her to his brother, Bob, greenlight her script and give her a three-picture deal. But she had to watch him masturbate first.

28. Louise Godbold, a co-executive director of the non-profit Echo Parenting & Education, wrote in a blog post published on Oct. 9 that in the early '90s she was also a victim of Weinstein. She describes being trapped in an empty meeting room, being propositioned for a massage and being touched on her shoulders.

29. Judith Godreche. At 24-years-old, the French actress (The Man in the Iron Mask) was invited to breakfast with Weinstein during the Cannes Film Festival in 1996, she tells the Times. Afterward, the mogul, who had just acquired her film Ridicule, allegedly lured her to his room, promising to talk about planning an Oscar campaign. Then he asked to give her a massage. She said no. "The next thing I know, he's pressing against me and pulling off my sweater," she recalls. She pulls away and leaves the suite.

30. Trish Goff, a former model and actress, told the Times that Weinstein allegedly groped her during a lunch meeting in 2003. "When we finally stood up to go, he really started groping me, grabbing my breasts, grabbing my face and trying to kiss me," she said.

31. Heather Graham, an actress known for her role in The Hangover films, wrote an essay for Variety on Oct. 10 describing a time in the early 2000s when Weinstein allegedly insinuated that she would need to have sex with him in order to get a role in one of his upcoming films. She was never hired for one of his films.

32. Eva Green, an actress known for Casino Royale and Weinstein Company's Sin City, told Variety that she had to push Weinstein off of her during a business meeting in Paris.

33. Larissa Gomes, an actress known for Saw VI, told the Los Angeles Times that Weinstein asked her to bare her chest while working on the Toronto set of the Miramax-produced film Get Over It about 17 years ago. In a class-action lawsuit filed on June 1, she detailed how Weinstein tried to kiss her, forcibly massaged her shoulders and threatened her, saying "Ashley Judd had no problem" sleeping with him. She was 21 at the time.

34. Mimi Haleyi, a former production assistant, said she met Weinstein at the 2004 premiere of The Aviator, and again at the Cannes Film Festival in 2006, where she offered to help on his productions in New York. He told her to come by his hotel. When she did, he suggested she massage him. "I felt the meeting was going nowhere and I left," Haleyi said with lawyer Gloria Allred at a press conference Oct. 24. Later in New York, Weinstein orally forced himself on her while she was on her period, she said.

35.Daryl Hannah, an actress known forSteel Magnolias and the Kill Bill films, told The New Yorker on Oct. 27 that Weinstein sexually harassed her on two different occasions in the past decade.

36. Salma Hayek accused Weinstein of sexually harassing her while working together on the 2002 film Frida, in a column for The New York Times Dec. 13. She claims the list of unwanted advances from the producer included showers, oral sex, massages and more. She also alleges he threatened to kill her following one of her refusals, and verbally insulted her on set.

37. Lena Headey, 44, who plays Cersei on Game of Thrones, shared a series of tweets on Oct. 17 describing an incident in 2005 involving "some suggestive comment, a gesture" from Weinstein. Years later, she said she also experienced him asking her personal questions about her love life before asking her up to his hotel room.

More:Harvey Weinstein scandal: Film academy can't be 'inquisitorial court,' new memo says

38.Natasha Henstridge, 43, appeared on Megyn Kelly Today on Nov. 15 detailing an accusation of sexual assault against producer Brett Ratner. But she also accused Weinstein of inappropriate behavior. Henstridge says she was at a meeting with Weinstein in a Sundance hotel when "suddenly, it became not anything about the job that he was trying to offer me or put me up for anymore and it became all about flirtation," she told Kelly, adding he "came on to me repeatedly." While the actress says she was able "to avoid an actual physical attack" by Weinstein she alleged "He pleasured himself in front of me."

39. Lauren Holly said on the Canadian talk show The Social on Oct. 16 that Weinstein, who she met while working on the 1996 film Beautiful Girls, acted inappropriately towards her during a meeting in his hotel room. After what appeared to be a normal business meeting, she claims Weinstein left the room before returning in a bathrobe and asking her to follow him into the bedroom. She says he then dropped the robe and took a shower. Once out of the shower he approached her naked before she fled the room.

40. Paz de la Huerta, 33, a model and actress best known for roles inBoardwalk Empire and A Walk to Remember, accused Weinstein of raping her on two separate occasions. In an interview with Vanity Fair published Nov. 2, the actress said the first alleged assault happened in October 2010 when she was 26; the second in December 2010. "I laid there feeling sick," de la Huerta told Vanity Fair. "He looked at me and said, 'I'll put you in a play.' He left and I never heard from him again." Weinstein spokeswoman Holly Baird told USA TODAY in a statement, "Any allegations of non-consensual sex are unequivocally denied by Mr.  Weinstein."

41. Dominique Huett, 35, a New York-based actress, filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Oct. 24 against The Weinstein Company, alleging that Harvey Weinstein pressured her into sex at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills in 2010 and that his company knew about multiple allegations of sexual misconduct against him dating back to the '90s.

42. Angelina Jolie, a 42-year-old actress, filmmaker and humanitarian, told the Times that during the release of Playing By Heart, she rejected advances by Weinstein in a hotel room. She was 23 at the time. "I had a bad experience with Harvey Weinstein in my youth, and as a result, chose never to work with him again and warn others when they did," Jolie explained in an email to the newspaper.

43. Ashley Judd, 49, told the Times that during a 1997 breakfast meeting at Weinstein's hotel room in Beverly Hills, the producer propositioned her, saying he could give her a massage or she could watch him shower. She was starring in Miramax's Kiss the Girls at the time.

More:'NYT': Producer Harvey Weinstein has a 30-year history of sexual harassment

44. Katherine Kendall, a 48-year-old actress from Swingers, told the Times that Weinstein convinced her to stop by his apartment in 1993 when she was 23 years old. Once there, he came out of his bathroom in a robe, asking for a massage. She refused; he left the room and returned nude, she says. "He literally chased me," she told the newspaper. "He wouldn't let me pass him to get to the door."

45. Minka Kelly, a 37-year-old actress from Friday Night Lights, took to Instagram on Oct. 13, describing how Weinstein allegedly propositioned her to be his girlfriend at a meeting.

46. Heather Kerr, a 56-year-old former actress, read a statement on Oct. 20 at a press conference with attorney Gloria Allred, describing a 1989 encounter with Weinstein where he exposed himself to her and told her she had to sleep with him and other Hollywood producers in order to succeed in the industry.

47. Mia Kirshner, a 42-year-old Canadian actress (The L Word), wrote an op-ed for The Globe and Mail on Oct. 13 that alleged Weinstein harassed her in a hotel room.

48. Myleene Klass, a British singer-turned-TV-host, was propositioned by Weinstein during a film festival lunch at Cannes in 2010, according to UK's The Sun. The report claims she immediately declined his offer, telling him to "(expletive) off," and left the meeting "disgusted and angry." She was 32 at the time.

49.Liz Kouri, an actress, told USA TODAY Weinstein put his fingers inside her and moved her hand to help him masturbate after they met at an opening party for an off-Broadway show in 1999. "I couldn't react," she said. "I didn't want to make him mad... I didn't want to ruin any chances that I might have had at all to audition for him. Or my career."

50. Ivana Lowell, a former Miramax employee and former girlfriend of Bob Weinstein, wrote in her 2010 memoir Why Not Say What Happened? that Harvey Weinstein showed up at her apartment, lay naked on her bed and asked for a massage. In an article for The Daily Mail, she recounted her experience with the movie mogul and revealed he threatened to sue her after the memoir was released.

51. Laura Madden, a London-based assistant, told the Times that Weinstein asked her for massages at hotels in Dublin and London in 1991, adding he had a way of making anyone who objected feel like an outlier. "It was so manipulative," she recalled, two decades after the original incident.

52.Natassia Malthe, 43, said Weinstein barged into her London hotel room and raped her in 2008 after she met him at the BAFTA Awards. After the rape, he masturbated in front of her, the Norwegian-born actress said in her statement at a press conference with attorney Gloria Allred on Oct. 25.

53.Brit Marling, theOA actress/writer shared in an essay forThe Atlantic that Weinstein pulled the hotel room-massage act on her in 2014. "I, too, was asked if I wanted a massage, champagne, strawberries. I, too, sat in that chair paralyzed by mounting fear when he suggested we shower together," she wrote.

More:Harvey Weinstein scandal: Total accusers pass 50 women

54. Sarah Ann Masse, a writer and actress (Awkward Exes), told Variety on Oct. 11 that Weinstein hugged her in his underwear and told her he loved her during an interview for a nanny job in 2008.

55. Ashley Matthau, a dancer who worked on Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights, which was produced by Weinstein's company, told the Times that Weinstein began hitting on her on set. He asked her to get in his car and took her to a hotel room, where she says she refused his sexual advances but he pushed her onto the bed and fondled her breasts before stripping, straddling her and masturbating on top of her. She hired an attorney from Gloria Allred's firm, but says Weinstein and his lawyer threatened to drag her through the mud if she went public, so she took a settlement.

56. Rose McGowan, 44-year-old Charmed actress, reached a previously undisclosed settlement with Weinstein in 2007 after an episode in a hotel room during the Sundance Film Festival, theTimes reported in early October. In 2016, she tweeted that she was raped by a studio head in 2007, but didn't identify Weinstein at the time.

57. Katya Mtsitouridze, a Russian TV host, told The Hollywood Reporter on Oct. 19 that she was harassed by Weinstein, alleging he arranged a private meeting in 2004 during the Venice Film Festival where he greeted her in a bathrobe and suggested she give him a massage.

58. Emily Nestor, who had worked just one day as a temporary employee for the Weinstein Company in 2014, was invited to a hotel room and propositioned by Weinstein, according to the Times and New Yorker.

59. Connie Nielsen, a 52-year-old Danish actress (The Devil's Advocate), wrote a guest column for Variety on Oct. 24, adding her name to the list of women allegedly harassed by Weinstein, who produced her 2005 film The Great Raid. The actress claims the producer put his hand on her thigh during the opening night of the film.

60.Kadian Noble, 31, filed a civil suit on Nov. 27 in New York alleging that Harvey Weinstein summoned her to his hotel room at Cannes Film Festival in 2014 to talk about a role. He began massaging her shoulders and told the British actress to "relax." According to her civil suit, which alleges Weinstein and his company engaged in sex trafficking, the producer groped her, pulled her into a bathroom, and forced her to fondle him.

61. Lupita Nyong'o, a 34-year-old Academy Award-winning actress, penned a lengthy column in the Times on Oct. 19 recounting her experience with Weinstein. "Harvey led me into a bedroom — his bedroom — and announced that he wanted to give me a massage. I thought he was joking at first. He was not," Nyong'o wrote. She said Weinstein's advances continued later during a dinner in New York. Weinstein issued a written response via Variety the following day. "Mr. Weinstein has a different recollection of the events, but believes Lupita is a brilliant actress and a major force for the industry," the statement read.

62. Gwyneth Paltrow, 45, told the Times that before shooting Emma when she was 22, Weinstein summoned her to his suite at the Peninsula Beverly Hills hotel for a work meeting which ended with Weinstein placing his hands on her and suggesting they head to the bedroom for massages. "I was a kid, I was signed up, I was petrified," she said.

63. Samantha Panagrosso, a model, told Variety that Weinstein made unwanted sexual advances toward her during the Cannes Film Festival in 2003 while on a friend's yacht, and groped her underwater at a nearby hotel pool.

64. Zelda Perkins, a former assistant to Weinstein, broke her NDA for an interview with the Financial Times, saying she confronted the producer after being subjected to harassment on a near daily basis during the time she worked for him. At the Venice Film Festival in 1998, she told the Times, he assaulted a colleague, and the women entered a settlement agreement for approximately $330,000.

65. Vu Thu Phuong, a Vietnamese actress, came forward in a Facebook post on Oct. 12 claiming Weinstein made sexual advances towards her during a hotel room meeting in 2008, attempting to teach her how to perform in a sex scene, Vulture and The Huffington Postreported.

66. Tomi-Ann Roberts.In 1984, the then 20-year-old college junior and waitress was hoping to start an acting career. She says Weinstein, a customer, sent her scripts and asked her to meet to discuss the film. When she arrived, he was nude in the bathtub, she told The New York Times. According to the newspaper's account, he suggested she get naked as part of her audition because the character she might play would have a topless scene. Roberts recalls apologizing, excusing herself as prudish, and leaving.

67. Lisa Rose, a then-aspiring actress who worked for Miramax in London when she was 22, told BBC News that Weinstein harassed her in 1988 at the Savoy hotel. She claims Weinstein asked her for a massage and, when she declined, said "nasty things" to her. She later resigned.

68. Erika Rosenbaum, a Canadian actress (The Last Kiss), said in an interview with CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) that Weinstein held her by the back of her neck and masturbated in front of her in a hotel room during the Toronto International Film Festival in the mid-2000s.

69. Melissa Sagemiller told The Huffington Post that Weinstein harassed her when she was 24-years-old while she worked on Get Over It, which was distributed by Weinstein's Miramax. During a meeting in his hotel room, the producer allegedly refused to let her leave until she kissed him.

70.Annabella Sciorra, an actress known for her work inReversal of Fortune and The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, toldThe New Yorker on Oct. 27 that Weinstein violently raped her in the early 1990s and repeatedly sexually harassed her over the next several years.

71. Léa Seydoux, 32-year-old French actress of Blue is the Warmest Colour, wrote an op-ed for The Guardian on Oct. 11 describing an interaction she had with Weinstein, which involved him inviting her to his hotel room for a drink and later lunging at her and attempting to kiss her.

72. Lauren Sivan, a New York TV reporter, says she was cornered by Weinstein in the kitchen of a restaurant in which he is an investor in 2007, according to The Huffington Post. When she avoids his kiss, he reportedly tells her to "stand there and shut up" while he masturbates and ejaculates into a nearby potted plant.

73. Chelsea Skidmore, an actress known for Leah & Chelsea Have a Sleepover, told the Washington Post that Weinstein asked her for a massage after a meeting at the Peninsula Hotel in 2013. After declining, she claims he masturbated in front of her.

74. Mira Sorvino, 50, told The New Yorker that while promoting Mighty Aphrodite at the 1995 Toronto International Film Festival, Weinstein "started massaging my shoulders, which made me very uncomfortable, and then tried to get more physical, sort of chasing me around." Weeks later, she says he evaded her doorman and showed up at the door of her New York apartment, but was able to scare him off on both occasions.

75. Tara Subkoff, a 44-year-old actress (The Cell), told Variety that Weinstein sexually harassed her in the 1990s, recounting a time when he "grabbed" her to sit on his lap. "I could feel that he had an erection," she recalled.

76. Paula Wachowiak, 62, told The Buffalo News that Weinstein exposed himself to her when she was a 24-year-old production assistant on his first film, The Burning, in 1980. Wachowiak says she left the room in tears. Later, she says, he asked, "Was seeing me naked the highlight of your internship?"

77. Paula Williams, a then-model trying to break into the movie business, told ABC 20/20 Weinstein invited her to a party in 1990 when she was 20. Once she arrived, she said he was alone and started touching her neck before quickly exposing himself to her. She says she escaped before anything else happened.

78. Sean Young, a 57-year-old actress (Blade Runner), said Weinstein exposed himself to her while on the set of the 1992 Miramax film Love Crimes, during an interview Oct. 20 on KLBJ's Dudley and Bob With Matt Show Daily Podcast. She says she "personally experienced him pulling his you-know-what out of his pants."

79. Caitlin Dulany told The Wrap that in 1996 Weinstein used his influence to talk his way into her apartment, where he stripped down naked. In June, a lawsuit revealed he allegedly also forcibly performed oral sex on her during the Cannes Film Festival the same year.

80. Melissa Thompson, a Columbia MBA grad, joined the lawsuit on June 1. She says in 2011, while pitching him on her technology startup he put his hands up her skirt, and later, under the guise of a business meeting, led her to a hotel suite above his office and raped her. Years later, she alleges she was tricked by Weinstein's lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, into sharing evidence of her assault, believing he was representing victims of the mogul.

Anonymous accusers:

81. An unidentified woman, who worked for Weinstein and told the New Yorker she was too afraid to use her name for fear of legal retaliation, said Weinstein brought her to a hotel room under professional pretext, then changed into a bathrobe and forced himself on her sexually.

82. An unnamed 38-year-old Italian actress whose accusation that Weinstein raped her in 2013 is now being investigated by Los Angeles police.

83. A former Miramax employee going by the alias Sarah Smith told The Daily Mail that Weinstein raped her in the basement of his London office in 1992. "He grabbed me and he was so big and powerful. He just ripped my clothes away and pushed me, threw me down," she said.

84. The Washington Post reported an account from 1984 on Oct. 14, in which a young crew member on Weinstein's film Playing for Keeps was reportedly asked to visit Weinstein's hotel room where he attempted to perform oral sex on her.

85. An unnamed Canadian actress from Toronto is launching a lawsuit against Weinstein, alleging the movie mogul sexually assaulted her while filming a movie in Toronto in 2000, according to the Toronto Sun and CBC News. Once alone with the actress in his suite at the Sutton Place Hotel, Weinstein allegedly asked her if she liked massages, exposed himself to her and performed oral sex on her without her consent. Once she was able to free herself, she left the hotel and told her agent. The lawsuit claims the Jane Doe returned to Weinstein's suite after he insisted there had been a misunderstanding, and once back in his room, "he threw his weight onto her and tried to stick his tongue down her throat." She was in her 20s at the time.

86. An unnamed actress filed a lawsuit against the mogul in Beverly Hills on Nov. 14, according to the Associated Press. Known only as "Jane Doe," the woman alleges Weinstein held her against her will while he masturbated in a Beverly Hills hotel room in 2015. A year later, she says, he threw her on his bed in a hotel room, started performing oral sex on her and then held her down while he masturbated on her. The suit says the woman was able to break free and flee the room.

87. An unnamed former employee filed the first civil claim in the U.K. on Nov. 23 against Weinstein and the Weinstein Co. for a series of sexual assaults. Her lawyer, Jill Greenfield, said the woman has not filed a complaint with police about the alleged incidents that occurred after the year 2000 but believes she will do so.

If you have ever experienced or witnessed sexual misconduct while working in the entertainment industry, we'd like to hear from you. Send us a secure tip using the instructions at newstips.usatoday.com.


Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2017/10/27/weinstein-scandal-complete-list-accusers/804663001/

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